SendMe Free – Business Card


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We would like to tell you we discovered that there are hundreds of digital business cards appsSo we asked people why they do not use them,They told us its inconvenient to use.So we decided to develop for you an app that you wouldnt want stop using.SENDME enables you to create your own professional business card in the simplest way.SENDME enables you to send your business card while dialing and during the call in the easiest way.SENDME enables you fast access to your received business cards.SENDME stores and backups your received business cards.SENDME notifies you of any change made in your contacts profile.SENDME provides your contacts an access to your social networks.SENDME helps your contacts navigate to your businesses address.We believe that a world without a paper business card is a greener, cleaner and a better world.We believe that every person has a purpose and a destiny in this world We believe in doing things perfectly at the first time and getting the best result in a minimum effortTry us, its simple, fast and easy